The Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment Program (AUIIP), funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB), is a key urban infrastructure initiative of the Government of Assam, and aims to improve the urban environment and quality of life in the cities of Guwahati and Dibrugarh.

The Investment Program supports the Government of India's 11th Five-Year Plan (2007-2012), which recognizes infrastructure bottlenecks and lack of long-term funds as binding constraints in achieving its goals. The Program is designed on Multi Tranche Financing Facility (MFF) of ADB and Project 1 will be implemented over a 6-year period from 2012 to end of 2017 and Project 2 will be implemented over a 5-year period from 2015 to 2020.
Tranche I sub-Projects
- Guwahati Water Supply Subproject (Phase 1) - Pumping Mains and Service Reservoirs and Transmission Main
- Dibrugarh Drainage Subproject (Phase 1) – Rehabilitation of Dibrugarh town protection (DTP) drain with road culvert replacements and flood relief culverts; and reconstruction of sluice gates
- Dibrugarh Solid Waste Subproject - comprising (a) equipment and vehicles and (b) solid waste treatment and disposal site development
Tranche II sub-Projects
- Guwahati Water Supply Subproject (Phase 1) - River Intake, Water Treatment Plant (including site filling and river protection works)
- Guwahati Water Supply Subproject (Phase 1) for South Guwahati – East Zone distribution pipelines and consumer water meters
- Improved Drainage System for South Guwahati – Improvement of the existing Drainage System in South Guwahati
- Dibrugarh Drainage Subproject (Phase 2) – Reconstruction of Main outlet channel rehabilitation and allied works and secondary drainage development
Whom to Contact
Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment Program
3rd Floor, Tripti Tower
Guwahati -781005, Assam
Phone No.: +91-7086080108